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GOT, Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território

 ISSN 2182-1267

SANCHO, Altair. Territorial planning and protected areas: a look on process of creation the National Park of Serra do Cipó, MG. []. , 12, pp.309-333. ISSN 2182-1267.  https://doi.org/10.17127/got/2017.12.014.

The interpretation of protected areas under the territorial planning concept suggests to recognize, at first, the attempt of the State to establish certain environmental protections vision/order. At the same time, the recent theoretic discussions about territorial planning suggests also considerate the multiplicity of forces that conjugate themselves, in different ways, in the protected territories and the challenges presented there to consolidation of planning processes that is more democratic and aligned to the local demands. This  research,  from  a  qualitative  perspective,  was  guided  by  three  principal  methods  of research:  bibliographical survey, participating observation and interviews.

: Territorial Planning; Protected Areas; Park; Serra do Cipó National Park.

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