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Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais

versão impressa ISSN 0870-8312


VENTURA, Ana Mafalda F.M.. Os Compósitos e a sua aplicação na Reabilitação de Estruturas metálicas. C.Tecn. Mat. [online]. 2009, vol.21, n.3-4, pp.10-19. ISSN 0870-8312.

With technological advancement the properties required of conventional materials change leading to the appearing of materials able to meet the requisites expected of new technologies. Combination of chemical and structural materials produced a new class of engineering products. Firstly, this article provides a brief historical presentation of an innovative group of materials that are increasingly required by many applications in industry. Along the same are set out the characteristics and properties of composite materials for a clearer view of the advantages that they have in relation to other materials needed for the same use. There is also an evolution of different applications over the time, in many areas of the industry in general. As the main objective this work presents an analysis of these materials when applied in maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of metallic marine and civil engineering infrastructures.

Palavras-chave : Composites; matrix; reinforcement; fiber; FRP; repair; rehabilitation; metallic infra-structures.

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