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Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa

versão impressa ISSN 2182-4452versão On-line ISSN 2184-2043


LOIOLA, Mateus Mota  e  LINGNAU, Coutinho Carina Merkle. O discurso da inovação: um estudo de caso na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, câmpus Francisco Beltrão (UTFPR-FB), Brasil. RILP [online]. 2023, vol.44, pp.57-68.  Epub 14-Dez-2023. ISSN 2182-4452.

Michel Foucault was an important twentieth century philosopher. Many of his thoughts are still important to think about the society, as the concept of device taken for this research. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the foucaultian device with the active methodologies used at UTFPR-FB (Technological University of Paraná, Francisco Beltrão Campus). We adopt the concepts of discourse, device and active methodologies based on classroom examples of the university. For the methodology of the research we use bibliographic and documentary review along with theoretical discussion. As the analysis shows, we conclude that UTFPR-FB uses resources that create devices, which associate the university to an innovative teaching methodology and focus on the active methodologies plus technological resources. This is a questionable link since in the daily life of this university methodologies are present as tools that aid, but do not replace, conventional teaching methods. In addition, we found that federal investments have been decreasing considerably and as a result many equipment and structures are not able to offer the minimum conditions for the development and application of new methodologies inserted in an updated technological environment.

Palavras-chave : discourse; active methodologies; Technological University; Device.

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