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Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais

versão On-line ISSN 2182-7435


HERNANDEZ, Jimena de Garay  e  VINUTO, Juliana. Masculinities in the Socio-educational System of Rio de Janeiro: Disputes and Polarizations. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais [online]. 2022, n.127, pp.165-186.  Epub 30-Maio-2022. ISSN 2182-7435.

This work articulates the results of two investigations conducted in Rio de Janeiro’s socio-educational system (Brazil), both of which focused on the different constructions of masculinities in juvenile detention centers. The first survey was a feminist cartography in a male detention unit, focusing on gender and sexuality as axes of subjectivation central to the young trajectories of adolescents in that unit, while the second study was carried out in two detention units, focusing on juvenile detention officers responsible for the security of adolescents and other employees. Based on the proposed articulation, we will analyze codes, relationships, conflicts, and discourses that cross and produce male performativities and their polarizations, revealing processes closely enmeshed with policies aimed at education, security, work, and health.

Palavras-chave : gender identity; masculinity; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); socio-educational system.

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