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 número9Adopção de Plataformas de e-Learning nas Instituições de Ensino Superior - modelo do processoAspects for Information Systems Implementation: challenges and impacts. A higher education institution experience índice de autoresíndice de assuntosPesquisa de artigos
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Tékhne - Revista de Estudos Politécnicos

versão impressa ISSN 1645-9911


MORAIS, Nídia Salomé  e  CABRITA, Isabel. b-Learning: impacto no desenvolvimento de competências no ensino superior politécnico. Tékhne [online]. 2008, n.9, pp.194-224. ISSN 1645-9911.

Virtual learning environments may constitute themselves as very interesting solutions, capable of fulfilling presential education scenarios and promoting more active student participation, in accordance to the Bologna education model. Taking this into consideration, a study was developed with the main goal of evaluating the impact of a virtual learning environment in the development of transversal and specific skills in a group of students at a higher education level. The gathered data allowed us to draw positive conclusions about the use of virtual learning environments, at an interaction level and regarding the advantages in the access to content and services.

Palavras-chave : virtual learning environment; e-Learning; b-Learning; collaborative learning; communication; interaction.

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