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Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
versão impressa ISSN 0872-1904
Port. Electrochim. Acta vol.30 no.5 Coimbra set. 2012
Corrosion Inhibition by Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid (ATMP) -Zn2+ System for Carbon Steel in Ground Water
N. Muthumani1, Susai Rajendran2,3, M. Pandiarajan2,*, J. Lydia Christyd4 and R. Nagalakshmie5
1 Department of Chemistry, Sri Meenakshi Government College, For Women, Madurai, India
2 Corrosion Research Centre, PG and Research Department of Chemistry, GTN Arts College, Dindigul - 624 005, India
3 Corrosion Research Centre, RVS School of Eng. and Technology, Dindigul-624 005, Tamilnadu, India
4 Department of Chemistry, VSB Engineering College, Karur-639 111, Tamilnadu, India
5 Department of Chemistry, Arupadavedu Institute of Technology, Chennai
The inhibition efficiency (IE) of Amino Trimethylene phosphonic acid (ATMP) in controlling corrosion of carbon steel immersed in ground water in the absence and presence of Zn2+ has been evaluated by weight loss method. It is observed that the synergistic formulation consisting of 250 ppm ATMP and 10 ppm of Zn2+ has 98% IE. Polarization study reveals that ATMP-Zn2+ system functions as a cathodic inhibitor system. AC impedance study reveals that a protective film is formed on the metal surface.
Keywords: carbon steel, corrosion inhibition, synergistic effect, cathodic inhibitor, phosphonic acid.
The usage of ground water is common in all industries. The role of dissolved oxygen in ground water is the predominant factor to cause mild steel corrosion [1-2]. Depending upon the metal/environment combinations, different types of inhibitors are used in suitable concentrations. Speller [3-5] reported that "Compound films" formed by phosphate - chromate mixture are more effective than those of either alone. The synergistic effect of halides and organic compound inhibitors are reported often in the literature [6-9]. Several inhibitors such as phosphonic acid [10-11], thiourea [12], carboxy methyl cellulose [13], and sodium dodecyl sulphate [14] have been used to control corrosion of carbon steel. Inhibitors for carbon steel in near neutral aqueous solutions are soluble chromates, dichromates nitrates, borates, benzoates and salts of carboxylic acids. Corrosion inhibition due to the formation of oxide layer on Cu metal surface in concentrated propionic acid and dilute citric acid [15] has been reported. The corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in ground water by adipic acid and Zn2+ system has been reported [16]. Existence of synergism between succinic acid and Zn2+ in controlling corrosion of carbon steel in well water has been investigated [17]. Inhibitors such as benzoate, phthalate and other carboxylates [18-20] stabilize the oxide film on iron surface; presumably, their inhibitive action results from the bonding of the O -ion. Carboxylates are anodic inhibitors. The corrosion inhibition of steel by salicylic acid in acidic media has been investigated [21]. In the present study, synergistic effect of AminoTrimethylene phosphonic acid ATMPand Zn2+ in corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in ground water has been investigated in detail. Amino Trimethylene phosphonic acid is an environment friendly organic compound, C3H12P3O9N, which is mainly used in open water circulation cooling system, petroleum pipelines and boilers. While the inhibition efficiencies have been evaluated by weight loss method, the mechanistic aspects are based upon the results of potentiostatic polarization and AC impedance studies.
Preparation of the specimen
Carbon steel specimens (0.025% S, 0.06% P, 0.4% Mn, 0.15% C and the rest iron) of the dimension 1.0 × 4.0 × 0.2 cm were polished to a mirror finish and degreased with trichloro ethylene and used for the weight loss method and surface examination studies. Ground water was collected from Vadipatty village near Kodai road, Tamilnadu, India.
Weight loss method
The parameters of ground water used in the present study are given in Table 1.
Carbon steel specimens in triplicate were immersed in 100 mL of ground water containing various concentrations of the inhibitor in the absence and presence of Zn2+ for five days. The weights of the specimens before and after immersion were determined using a balance Shimadzu AY62 model. The corrosion products were cleaned with Clarke's solution [22]. The inhibition efficiency (IE) was then calculated using the equation
where w1 and w1 are the corrosion rates (mdd) in absence and presence of inhibitor, respectively.
Potentiostatic polarization study
This study was carried out using CHI 66A Electrochemical Workstation model. A three-electrode cell assembly was used. The working electrode used was as a rectangular specimen of carbon steel with its faces with a constant exposed area of 1 cm2. A saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was used as reference electrode. A rectangular platinum foil was used as the counter electrode. The results such as Tafel slopes, Icorr and Ecorr were calculated.
Tangents were drawn on the cathodic and anodic polarization curves. From the point of intersection of the two tangents, Icorr and Ecorr were calculated.
AC impedance measurements
The CHI 66A Electrochemical Workstation model was used for AC impedance measurements. The cell set up was the same as that used for polarization measurements. The real part (Z') and imaginary part (Z'') of the cell impedance were measured in ohms for various frequencies. The Rt (charge transfer resistance) and Cdl (double layer capacitance) values were calculated.
Results and discussion
Parameters of ground water
Corrosion behaviour of carbon steel in ground water was evaluated and the various parameters of ground water are given in Table 1.
Analysis of the results of weight loss method
The inhibition efficiencies (IE) of ATMP in controlling corrosion of carbon steel in ground water, for a period of five days in the absence and presence of Zn2+, obtained by weight loss method are given in Tables 2 to 6.
ATMP alone has 80% IE, whereas Zn2+ has 5% IE. In the absence of ATMP, the rate of transport of Zn2+ from the bulk of the solution towards the metal surface is slow. Similar observations have already been reported by Rajendran et al. [23-24]. When ATMP is combined with Zn2+ ions it is found that the IE increases. For example, 250 ppm ATMP has only 80% IE and 10 ppm of Zn2+ has only 5%. Interestingly their combination shows 98% IE. This suggests a synergistic effect between ATMP and Zn2+ ions; ATMP is able to transport Zn2+ towards the metal surface.
Analysis of the results of potentiostatic polarization study for the ATMP-Zn2+ system
Polarization study has been used to investigate the protective film formed on the metal surface [25-31].
The corrosion parameters of carbon steel immersed in various test solutions obtained by polarization study are given in Table 7.
The polarization curves are shown in figure 1.
When carbon steel is immersed in ground water, the corrosion potential is -410 mV vs. saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The formulation consisting of 250 ppm of ATMP and 50 ppm of Zn2+ shifts the corrosion potential to -460 mV vs. SCE. This suggests that the cathodic reaction is controlled predominantly, which is further conformed by more shifted in the cathodic Tafel slope as shown in Table 7. This result suggests that the ATMP-Zn2+ formulation functions as a cathodic inhibitor. The corrosion current for ground water is 5.2 × 10-5 A/cm2. It is decreased to 3.8 × 10-5 A/cm2 by the 250 ppm of ATMP and 50 ppm of Zn2+ system. This indicates that a protective film is formed on the metal surface and the electron transfer from the metal surface is prevented.
Analysis of the results of AC impedance spectra
AC impedance spectra have been used to investigate the formation of a protective film on the metal surface [32-40]. The AC impedance spectra of carbon steel in various solutions are shown in Fig. 2.
The AC impedance parameters, namely, charge transfer resistance (Rt) and double layer capacitance (Cdl) are given in Table 8.
When carbon steel is immersed in ground water, Rt value is 386 Ω cm2 and Cdl value is 1.32 × 10-8 F cm-2. When ATMP and Zn2+ are added to ground water, Rt value increases from 386 Ω cm2 to 509 Ω cm2. The Cdl decreases from 1.32 × 10-8 F cm-2 to 1.00 × 10-8 μF cm-2. This suggests that a protective film is formed on the surface of the metal. This accounts for the very high IE of ATMP-Zn2+ system. Equivalent circuit diagram for such a system is shown in scheme 1.
Mechanism of corrosion inhibition
The results of the weight loss study show that the formulation consisting of 250 ppm of ATMP and 50 ppm of Zn2+ has 98% IE in controlling corrosion of carbon steel, in ground water. A synergistic effect exists between Zn2+ and ATMP. Polarization study reveals that this formulation functions as a cathodic inhibitor.
AC impedance spectra reveal that a protective film is formed on the metal surface.
a) When the solution containing ground water, 50 ppm of Zn2+ and 100 ppm of ATMP is prepared, there is formation of Zn2+-ATMP complex in solution.
b) When carbon steel is immersed in the solution, the Zn2+-ATMP complex diffuses from the bulk of the solution towards the metal surface.
c) On the metal surface, Zn2+-ATMP complex is converted into Fe2+-ATMP complex on the anodic sites. Zn2+ is released.
d) Zn2+-ATMP + Fe2+ → Fe2+-ATMP + Zn2+
e) The released Zn2+ combines with OH- forming Zn(OH)2 on the cathodic sites.
f) Zn2+ + 2 OH- → Zn(OH)2 ↓
g) Thus the protective film consists of Fe2+-ATMP complex and Zn(OH)2.
The present study leads to the following conclusions:
• a synergistic effect exists between Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic acid (ATMP) and Zn2+ in controlling the corrosion of carbon steel immersed in ground water;
• the formulation consisting of 250 ppm of ATMP and 10 ppm of Zn2+ has 98% IE;
• polarization study reveals that ATMP-Zn2+ system functions as a cathodic inhibitor system;
• AC impedance spectra reveal that a protective film is formed on the metal surface.
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*Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Received 10 November 2012; accepted 31 December 2012