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Revista Encontros Científicos - Tourism & Management Studies

versão impressa ISSN 1646-2408

Encontros Científicos  n.5 Faro  2009




Title: Advances in Tourism Economics - New Developments

Editors: Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp and Manuela Sarmento

Publisher: Physika-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2009

ISBN: 978-3-7908-2123-9


Advances in Tourism Economics provides a thorough assessment of state-of-the-art economic research in this rapidly developing field. The authors start by analyzing the recent upsurge of model-based economic research in the field, which builds on powerful tools in quantitative economics, such as discrete choice models, social accounting matrices, data envelopment analyses, impact assessment models or partial computable equilibrium models including environmental externalities. The volume originates from this novel research spirit in the area and aims to offer an attractive collection of operational research tools and approaches. It forms an appealing record of modern tourism economics and positions the field within the strong tradition of quantitative economic research, with due attention for both the demand and supply side of the tourism sector, including technological and logistic advances.

This volume consists of sixteen scientific articles centered on three main focal points: methodological innovation in tourism economics research, quantitative assessment of various impacts caused by the tourist sector, and trend analysis in the modern tourist market. The emphasis is mainly on applied modeling experiments and phenomena, with the aim to assess in quantitative form the importance of the various key factors at work. Advances in Tourism Economics originates from a novel research spirit in tourism economics and aims to offer an attractive collection of operational research tools and approaches in tourism research. Originality and advanced methodology have been the major criteria for selecting these contributions. They form an appealing record of modern tourism economic research and position tourism economics within the strong tradition of quantitative economic research, with due attention for both the demand and supply side of the tourism sector, including technological and logistic advances in the sector. This volume offers thus examples of pioneering research in tourism economics.



1 Research Needs on the Tourist Nexus


Part I: Methodological Advances

2 A Meta-analytic Comparison of Regional Output Multipliers at Different Spatial Levels: Economic Impacts of Tourism

3 An Optimized System Dynamics Approach for a Hotel Chain Management

4 Demand for Tourism in Malaysia by UK and US Tourists: A Co-integration and Error Correction Model Approach

5 Modeling Tourism Demand in Tunisia Using Co-integration and Error Correction Models

6 Determinants of Length of Stay – A Parametric Survival Analysis


Part II Assessment of Tourism Impacts

7 Is the Time-Varying Parameter Model the Preferred Approach to Tourism Demand Forecasting? Statistical Evidence

8 Estimating Tourism Impacts Using Input–Output and SAM Models in the Balearic Islands

9 Estimating Tourism Effects on Residents: A Choice Modelling Approach to the Case of Rimini

10 Willingness to Pay for Airline Services: A Stated Choice Experiment

11 Forecasting Hotel Overnights in the Autonomous Region of the Azores


Part III Trends in the Tourist Market

12 The International Competitiveness of Trade in Tourism Services: Evidence from Romania

13 Travellers’ Intentions to Purchase Travel Products Online: The Role of Shopping Orientation

14 Coopetition in Infomediation: General Analysis and Application to e-Tourism

15 Do Tourism Firms Have Economic Incentives to Undertake Voluntary Environmental Initiatives?

16 Tourism and Strategic Competition in the Air Transport Industry

17 An Estimation of Tourism Dependence in French Rural Areas


José António C. Santos

(ESGHT- University of Algarve)