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Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

versão impressa ISSN 1646-2890versão On-line ISSN 1647-6700

Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac vol.65 no.3 Lisboa set. 2024  Epub 30-Set-2024 


Insights into Volume 65, Issue 3, 2024 of the Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

Introdução ao Número 3 do Volume 65 de 2024 da Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial

1 Associate Editor, Lisboa, Portugal

2 Editor-in-Chief, Lisboa, Portugal

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the latest issue of the Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial. As we present Volume 65, Issue 3 we are excited to share with you the outstanding contributions of researchers and clinicians whose work continues to advance the limits of our profession. Each study in this issue represents a step forward in the field of dentistry, with a particular focus on endodontics, dental education, maxillofacial surgery, and prosthodontics, highlighting both scientific innovation and clinical relevance.

We begin with our research papers, which explore critical aspects of dental practice. The research study “Coronal preflaring’s influence on the accuracy of root canal length determination by electronic apex locators”1 presents valuable insights for endodontists. By exploring how preflaring affects the accuracy of electronic apex locator devices, this research helps refine techniques in root canal therapy, aiming to improve treatment outcomes and enhance patient care. Next, the research “Effects of irrigation activation techniques on root canal walls after post-space preparation: A scanning electron microscopy study”2 offers important findings on endodontic cleaning protocols. This study provides clinicians with evidence on how various activation methods can optimize the cleanliness of canal walls after post-space preparation, potentially improving long-term success in both endodontic and restorative treatments. Additionally, the research study “Anxiety levels of the 1st and 5th-year dental students in Portugal - Cross-sectional study”3 brings to light an often-overlooked issue in dental education. Understanding how anxiety evolves throughout the degree in Dentristry, along with increased awareness, can lead to improved mental-health support systems, ultimately fostering a healthier learning environment for future dental professionals and patients.

This issue also includes notable case reports that provide practical clinical insights. The case report “Diagnosis and treatment of keratoacanthoma in the lower lip: A case report”4 emphasizes the importance of accurate diagnosis and timely treatment in managing this challenging lesion. The detailed exploration of the treatment approach offers clinicians a clear protocol for addressing similar cases in their practice. The report “Virtual planning for orbital reconstruction in a craniofacial fibrous dysplasia surgical approach -

Case report”5 showcases the power of modern technology in surgical planning. The authors demonstrate how virtual models can significantly enhance precision and outcomes in complex reconstructive surgeries can be significantly enhanced, marking a step forward in maxillofacial surgery. Moreover, the case report “Non-metal framework for removable partial dentures - A 2-year follow-up clinical report”6 presents a long-term follow-up highlighting the benefits and durability of alternative materials in prosthodontics. This report provides a compelling example of innovation in dental materials, offering patients a reliable and aesthetic solution for partial dentures.

In this issue, we also feature a technical innovations report that stands out for its application of cutting-edge technology.

The report “Fabrication of a closed hollow obturator by digital technologies: technical report”7 introduces a modern approach to prosthetic design, demonstrating how digital workflows can streamline fabrication processes and improve clinical outcomes for patients with maxillofacial defects.

Finally, we would like to inform our readers of an importante update regarding the journal’s language and submission guidelines. Starting from the upcoming Volume 66, Issue 1, 2025, and due to indexation requirements, the journal will only accept and publish papers written in English. This change applies to all new submissions, as well as papers written in Portuguese already submitted to the journal. These must now be translated into English to be eligible for publication upon acceptance. We are confident that this transition will further enhance the journal’s global visibility and impact, and we thank all authors for their understanding and cooperation during this adjustment period.


1. Batista LCN, Janini ACP, Marciano MA, Guimarães TGFA, Guimarães BM. Coronal preflaring’s influence on the accuracy of root canal length determination by eletronic apex locators. Rev Port Estomaol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac. 2024;65:115-20. [ Links ]

2. Tekinarslan D, Erkal D, Koç S, Er H, Er K. Effects of irrigation activation techniques on root canal walls after post-space preparation: A scanning electron microscopy study. Rev Port Estomaol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac . 2024;65:121-8. [ Links ]

3. Gonçalves MJ, Proença L, Cavacas MA. Anxiety levels of 1st and 5th-year dental students in Portugal - Cross-sectional study. Rev Port Estomaol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac . 2024;65:129-35. [ Links ]

4. Santos TR, Farias JG, Hassam SF, Oliveira MC, Valente ALP. Diagnosis and treatment of keratoacanthoma in the lower lip: A case report. Rev Port Estomaol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac . 2024;65:136-41. [ Links ]

5. Bahia MS, Kadooka MY, Nery B, Sverzut CE, Trivellato AE. Virtual planning for orbital reconstruction in a craniofacial fibrous dysplasia surgical approach - Case report. Rev Port Estomaol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac . 2024;65:142-7. [ Links ]

6. Gomes I, Gonçalves J, Martins JP, Lopes LP. Non-metal framework for removable partial dentures - A 2-year follow-up clinical report. Rev Port Estomaol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac . 2024;65:148-55. [ Links ]

7. Gomes I, Martins JP, Lopes LP. Frabication of a closed hollow obturator by digital technologies: technical report. Rev Port Estomaol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac . 2024;65:156-61. [ Links ]

Received: September 29, 2024; Accepted: September 30, 2024

* Corresponding authors. Jorge N.R. Martins E-mail address: Jaime Portugal

Creative Commons License This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License