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Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular

versão impressa ISSN 1646-706X

Angiol Cir Vasc vol.20 no.1 Lisboa mar. 2024  Epub 18-Maio-2024 


Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular in social media - a contemporary way to disseminate science

Marta Machado1 

1 Vascular Surgery Department, Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia-Espinho, Portugal

The editorial board of Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (ACV Journal) has established, as a key objective, to modernize and renovate the Journal through the use of social media (SoMe) and the production of visual abstracts as a means of promoting the scientific contents that are published. For that purpose, in 2023, an application process for the role of Assistant Editor was initiated. This role was directed at the Portuguese Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SPACV) junior members for a two-year term.

After a selection process and interview, I was appointed Assistant Editor. We then established a strategy of commitment and consistency for the bi-monthly publication of visual abstracts for recently published original research articles, review articles, case reports, and vascular images. A template was created (Figure 1) to standardize the format of visual abstracts and other posts. A periodic selection according to originality, relevance and scientific quality criteria was decided.

Figure 1 Example of a visual abstract in the format of Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular 

As Assistant Editor, I believe the ACV Journal is pioneering in promoting scientific content to promote knowledge in our field. The introduction of visual abstracts and other content in SoMe, particularly on LinkedIn and Twitter/X, represents a novel strategy to reach a broader readership beyond the members of SPACV and the Portuguese vascular community. As such, it is a critical component of a plan to amplify the impact and broaden the scope of our journal. For example, we recently published the visual abstract of the paper “National Survey to Vascular Surgery Residents- Satisfaction and Limitations,” reaching over 3000 visualizations soon after its publication (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Visual abstract of the paper “National Survey to Vascular Surgery Residents- Satisfaction and limitations”, with over 3000 visualizations. 

The positive relationship between the publication of visual abstracts in SoMe and the increase in the impact of the original published articles has been well demonstrated in both medical (e.g., Pediatrics, Emergency Care) and surgical (Vascular, Urology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics) journals.1-6

The evolution of modern society is marked by a significant change in communication and information consumption patterns through the digital transition from conventional media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, etc., to online media, such as SoMe networks. SoMe has become a key scientific platform, allowing people to not just uptake information but share, comment, and create content. The interactive nature of SoMe will enable physicians and the general public to participate much more than conventional or even online publications. Comments and shares promote valuable discussions, amplifying the range and relevance of publications. Additionally, by incorporating visual elements such as images or graphs, the Journal can transcend linguistic barriers and become more accessible. This not only draws attention but facilitates rapid comprehension of the contents.

As such, publishing visual abstracts and other content on SoMe will modernize our journal's broadcasting strategy and increase its relevance as a dynamic promoter of scientific knowledge.

Marta Machado

Assistant Editor, Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular



Conflicts of interest:





1. Chau M, Ramedani S, King T, Aziz F. Presence of social media mentions for vascular surgery publications is associated with increased literature citations. J Vasc Surg. 2021 Mar;73:1096-103. [ Links ]

2. Chang J, Desai N, Gosain A. Correlation Between Altmetric Score and Citations in Pediatric Surgery Core Journals. J Surg Res. 2019;243:52-8. [ Links ]

3. Demir HA, Dogan S. Correlation between Academic Citations in Emergency Medicine Journals and Twitter mentions. Am J Emerg Med. 2022;58:33-8. [ Links ]

4. Hayon S, Tripathi H, Stormont IM, Dunne MM, Naslund MJ, Siddiqui MM. Twitter Mentions and Academic Citations in the Urologic Literature. Urology. 2019;123:28-33. [ Links ]

5. Wang J, Alotaibi NM, Ibrahim GM, Kulkarni AV, Lozano AM. The Spectrum of Altmetrics in Neurosurgery: The Top 100 »,» ®,® §,§ ­,­ ¹,¹ ²,² ³,³ ß,ß Þ,Þ þ,þ ×,× Ú,Ú ú,ú Û,Û û,û Ù,Ù ù,ù ¨,¨ Ü,Ü ü,ü Ý,Ý ý,ý ¥,¥ ÿ,ÿ ¶,¶ Trending »,» ®,® §,§ ­,­ ¹,¹ ²,² ³,³ ß,ß Þ,Þ þ,þ ×,× Ú,Ú ú,ú Û,Û û,û Ù,Ù ù,ù ¨,¨ Ü,Ü ü,ü Ý,Ý ý,ý ¥,¥ ÿ,ÿ ¶,¶ Articles in Neurosurgical Journals. World Neurosurg. 2017;103:883-95 [ Links ]

6. Sudah S, Faccone RD, Nasra MH, Constantinescu D, Menendez ME, Nicholson A. Twitter Mentions Influence Academic Citation Count of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Publications. Cureus. 2022;14:e21762. [ Links ]

Received: March 14, 2024; Accepted: April 10, 2024

Corresponding Author: Marta Machado | Rua Conceição Fernandes, s/n, 4434-502;

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