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vol.28 número2Tensiones de una maestra en una clase de Español de primer grado en un programa de inmersión bilingüe de doble víaInclusión en la Educación Superior: Las percepciones de los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales en el ingreso a la universidad índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Portuguesa de Educação

versión impresa ISSN 0871-9187


FREITAS, Erika Lourenço de  y  RAMALHO-DE-OLIVEIRA, Djenane. Critical thinking in the context of clinical practice: The need to reinvent pharmacy education. Rev. Port. de Educação [online]. 2015, vol.28, n.2, pp.231-250. ISSN 0871-9187.

In order to understand how pedagogical practices influence pharmacy students' development of critical thinking skills, we used critical ethnography and the methods of participant observation, focus groups and in-depth interviews with students and faculty from one of the top ten Colleges of Pharmacy in the United States. The results that emerged from two semesters of fieldwork engagement suggested that the traditionally taught pharmaceutical knowledge isn't enough to prepare pharmacy students for clinical practice. Besides the ability to retrieve information, pharmacy education can benefit from the incorporation of experiential learning and the pharmaceutical care philosophy and theoretical framework into the curriculum to prepare pharmacists to provide direct patient care. The knowledge that emerged from this study will allow educators to design learning activities to more effectively develop these essential skills in our future caregivers.

Palabras clave : Pharmacy education; Clinical practice; Pharmaceutical care; Qualitative research.

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