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Revista de Enfermagem Referência

versão impressa ISSN 0874-0283versão On-line ISSN 2182-2883


PAIVA, Ivo Cristiano Soares; AMARAL, António Fernando Salgueiro  e  MOREIRA, Isabel Maria Pinheiro Borges. Missed nursing care in oncology: exploring the problem of a Portuguese context. Rev. Enf. Ref. [online]. 2021, vol.serV, n.6, e20138.  Epub 23-Set-2021. ISSN 0874-0283.


Missed nursing care (MNC) compromises health care quality and patient safety. The contextual knowledge of the reasons for MNC allows redesigning nurses’ practices and improving the satisfaction of those involved in the care process.


To identify the reasons for MNC perceived by nurses of an oncology hospital.


Exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional study with a qualitative approach based on assumptions of the case study research. The sample consisting of 10 nurses with application of semi-structured interviews. All ethical assumptions were met.


The reasons for MNC were associated with the context - Scarcity of resources and Organizational culture - and the nurse - Negligence/devaluation, Willful misconduct, and Beliefs.


The knowledge produced can contribute to the implementation of specific guidelines directed at the identified reasons for reducing MNC and, consequently, improving health care quality.

Palavras-chave : missed nursing care; patient safety; medical oncology; quality management.

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