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Revista de Enfermagem Referência

Print version ISSN 0874-0283On-line version ISSN 2182-2883


SUCAR, Juçara Machado; VASCONCELOS, Selene Cordeiro  and  CARVALHO, José Carlos. Patient admission to specialized services as a care strategy for alcohol and other drug users. Rev. Enf. Ref. [online]. 2022, vol.serVI, n.1, e22011.  Epub Feb 02, 2023. ISSN 0874-0283.


The patient admission procedure promotes alcohol and other drug users’ active involvement, as it considers their individual needs and social context.


To examine patient admission to specialized services as a care strategy for alcohol and other drug users.


This observational, descriptive-exploratory, analytical, and quantitative study was conducted in a specialized service by collecting information from 708 patient admission instruments.


Nurses, social workers, and psychologists are responsible for admitting alcohol and other drug users. Users are predominantly male (69.8%), with incomplete elementary school education (40.5%), married or in a stable relationship (53.2%), without children (73.3%), employed (45.5%), and with a mean age of 42.67 years. The main precipitating factors for drug use are the influence of friends (52.1%), curiosity (22.3%), and fun and partying (15.7%).


This study highlights the importance of filling out the patient admission instrument in preparing individual therapeutic plans, promoting comprehensive care, building a database, and studying users’ profiles to further the understanding of the drug use phenomenon.

Keywords : user embracement; drug users; nursing; drug-induced disorders; behavior, addictive.

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