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Print version ISSN 1646-107X


MOTA, Mabelle Maia; TORRES, Aline Lima; ALVES, Bruna Oliveira  and  FERREIRA, Heraldo Simões. Physical Education in School: physical spaces and materials in public school in Fortaleza. Motri. [online]. 2017, vol.13, suppl.1, pp.70-75. ISSN 1646-107X.

Physical Education has specific needs when it comes to physical spaces, materials and / or other conditions available to work with the body in motion. The aim was to then analyze the conditions of operation of physical education teachers in public schools of Fortaleza. To do this, from a descriptive quantitative study and qualitative exploratory, public schools were the scene of the research and their physical education teachers, totaling n = 73, were participants in this investigation. A questionnaire on the conditions of physical spaces and materials and a group interview with some teachers were the instruments used to diagnose the conditions of teaching practice in these schools of Fortaleza. In most schools, the physical spaces present themselves inadequate, limited and / or missing, as well as the materials are of poor quality and / or reduced amount. Finally, although a study unfinished, front of the entire context surrounding the school dynamics, it is believed that schools need greater availability of physical spaces and materials as well as other conditions for the physical education teacher can act in a more efficient and satisfactory manner, favoring the teaching and student learning.

Keywords : physical education; education; physical spaces; materials.

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