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Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada

versão On-line ISSN 1646-8872


OLIVEIRA, Anízia Conceição Cabral de A.  e  SOUZA, Rosemeri Melo e. Landscape dynamics and environmental scenarios: a study of Estancia coastal plain, Sergipe, Brazil. RGCI [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.2, pp.175-193. ISSN 1646-8872.

This work aims to build environmental scenarios for the coastal plain of the Estância/Sergipe. The purpose of this study is in understanding how is the functioning of the landscape from the analysis its component systems, their spatial structure and its changes over time as the foundation for the development of two scenarios: recommended scenario and, on the based thereon, the intended use, called of exploratory scenario, which involves the prospects for the future from of the consequences of the suggested options. In order to provide the basis for the planning of the occupation of the area studied, initially, we developed the definition and classification of units and subunits of landscapes based on morphological parameters allied to aspects of the vegetation and of the use and occupation the soil. Secondly, the analysis of the various levels of the occupation of each compartment was made by analysis of the various forms of land use and agents and environmental processes most active in the study area. In this context, after identifying the different levels of occupation, the proposition of the scenarios through different descriptions of possible future events and their consequences for the functioning of the coastal landscape could be achieved.

Palavras-chave : Environmental Scenarios; Environmental Planning; Coastal Plain.

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