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PsychTech & Health Journal

versão On-line ISSN 2184-1004


VASCONCELOS-RAPOSO, J.  e  TEIXEIRA, Carla M.. Guidelines for the writing of quantitative scientific papers. PsychTech [online]. 2022, vol.6, n.1, pp.29-35.  Epub 04-Set-2022. ISSN 2184-1004.

This manuscript aims to present students with a guiding document for preparing scientific papers. It aims to overcome a severe oversight in higher education, which is to develop capacities for scientific research and its dissemination without teaching the students how to write a scientific article. The document follows the structure of the scientific article. And in each section, it presents the contents to be covered are described. The purpose of this presentation style is to provide those new to writing scientific articles with the details to be included to satisfy what is required by the editorial teams of peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Palavras-chave : reporting standards; research methods; APA style.

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