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Revista de Investigação & Inovação em Saúde

versión impresa ISSN 2184-1578versión On-line ISSN 2184-3791


OLIVEIRA, Ana Rita; ABREU, Margarida  y  REIS, Laura. Preparation of the family caregiver of the elderly with hip fracture. RIIS [online]. 2023, vol.6, n.1, pp.61-72.  Epub 30-Abr-2023. ISSN 2184-1578.


falls in the elderly may result in injuries, namely proximal femur fracture (PFF), which leads to surgical intervention. Most elderly people, in the postoperative period, show a compromise in the performance of activities of daily living, which requires the intervention of a family caregiver (FC).


to know how nurses identify FC of the elderly with PFF; to analyze nurses’ perceptions of the assessment of the FC potential to provide care; to identify the process of preparing the FC for the return home.


exploratory qualitative study through semi-structured interviews with 21 nurses of an Orthopedics service of a hospital in Portugal. Bardin's content analysis was used to analyze the data obtained.


regarding how nurses identify the FC, the most prevalent category was "Elderly" (62%). As for the assessment of the FC potential for care, the most prevalent categories were "Informal" (38%) and "Nonexistent" (33%). In the domain of the FC preparation process, the category "Teaching" emerged.


the results obtained justify the need for the existence of nursing programs to support the FC of older adults with FPF.

Palabras clave : aged; hip fractures; family caregiver; nursing.

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