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Nascer e Crescer

versão impressa ISSN 0872-0754

Nascer e Crescer v.19 n.3 Porto set. 2010


Genes, Crianças e Pediatras


Anabela Bandeira1, Esmeralda Martins2

1 Assistente Hospitalar de Pediatria

2 Assistente Hospitalar Graduada de Pediatria. Centro Hospitalar do Porto



A 11 month-old-year boy presented with moon shaped face, limb shortening, deformity of hands and feets, low stature with weight on percentile 95, without macrocephaly. Analytically he presented with hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphatasemia and high parathormone. The skeleton x-ray did not show bone dysplasia. The typical phenotype led to the diagnosis of Osteodistrophy of Albright.


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