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Tékhne - Revista de Estudos Politécnicos
versão impressa ISSN 1645-9911
Tékhne n.7 Barcelos jun. 2007
The functions of governmental accounting in Europe
Rowan Jones*
Acknowledgement: This paper is a modified version of Rowan Joness study Public Finance and Accounting in Europe, which was commissioned by Andrew Hawkins, who is responsible for Public Sector Marketing at Microsoft International.
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Lüder, Klaus and Rowan Jones (eds), Reforming governmental accounting and budgeting in Europe, Frankfurt: Fachverlag Moderne Wirtschaft, 2003.
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* Professor of Public Sector Accounting Birmingham Business School University of Birmingham; Chair and co-founder of Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research network. Research interests are in governmental accounting at local, regional and national level, and in accounting for charities and the myriad quangoes and like-organisations. He has written accounting history and is actively involved with comparative international government accounting research (CIGAR)