ISSN 0870-9025
[printed version]

ISSN: 2173-4135
[electronic version]




Basic Information

Complete title of the journal: PORTUGUESE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH

Publisher: National School of Public Health

Objectives of the journal:

It is the main objective of the Portuguese Journal of Public Health to contribute to the production of scientific knowledge in the area of public health in general and related disciplines, promoting its discussion and development at a national and international level.

Areas of interest of the journal: Public health, environmental health, occupational health, health economics, social sciences applied to health, health services management, strategies for action in health.

History of the journal: The journal is published since 1983.

Frequency: From 1983 to 1998 - quarterly. From 1999 – twice a year + a thematic issue (facultative).

Abbreviated title: Rev. Port. Sau. Pub.

Other information:Edited since 1983 for the National School of Public Health, the Portuguese Journal of Public Health (RPSP), then of quarterly regularity, started to have semester regularity and to be accompanied, from 1999, for a thematic number, subordinated to different subjects of interest to the health field: Climate and Health, Primary Health Care, Health Economics, New Health Management Models, Evaluation of Hospital Performance, Occupational Health, Hospital Administration, Quality in Health, Contracting in Health Services, Patient Safety, etc.


Referenced by Latindex - Online Regional Information System for Scholarly Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal – (

Indexed by Scopus, ScieLO Citation Index and EMBASE/Excerpta Médica.


The authors are the copyright holders. The journal is published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. It is an Open Access journal under a CC BY-NC-SA license (  

The manuscripts must be destined exclusively to the Portuguese Journal of Public Health. The simultaneous presentation to another journal is not allowed, as much as for the text as to the figures or tables, in their complete or partial form. Authors must state these conditions in the submission process by signing and sending the author declaration that guarantees the original character of the submitted article and the declaration of distribution for free access, whose models are available in the journal site.


The institutions that finance the publication of the journal vary in function of the different editions, the following being to enhance, due to the regular character of its sponsorship:

FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology -


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© 2015 Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública
Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Sector de Publicações
Av. Padre Cruz
1600-560 Lisboa
