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Revista Diacrítica

Print version ISSN 0870-8967On-line version ISSN 2183-9174


MENDES, João Ribeiro. Um modo de fazer filosofia: A Ontologia Histórica de Ian Hacking. Diacrítica [online]. 2012, vol.26, n.2, pp.105-120. ISSN 0870-8967.

As Canadian philosopher Ian Hacking uttered himself, «There are many ways to do philosophy.» (Hacking, 2002: 25). In this more descriptive-reconstructive rather than argumentative paper I aim: (a) to depict his Historical Ontology as a sui generis philosophical method that makes significant use of history; (b) to display the specificity of his proposal, namely in relation to the homonymous proposal of Michel Foucault and the so-called Historical Epistemology research program; (c) to show how its use may contribute to renew the understanding of classical philosophical issues, namely the much discussed problem of the nature of scientific rationality.

Keywords : Ian Hacking; Historical Ontology; Styles of Scientific Reasoning.

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