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Análise Psicológica
Print version ISSN 0870-8231
SAMPAIO, Ana Cristina and LOURENCO, Orlando. Erro educacional fundamental nos domínios moral, pró-social e académico: Dados empíricos e implicações educacionais . Aná. Psicológica [online]. 1997, vol.15, n.2, pp.245-257. ISSN 0870-8231.
This article presents an empirical study on the fun-damental-educational error. Participants were 96 children (i.e., 48 first-graders and 48 fourth-graders), their teachers (N=96) and their parents (N=192; i.e., 96 mothers and 96 fathers). Each participant was first presented with hypothetical scenarios involving both violations of, and adherences to, moral, prosocial and academic norms, and then asked to choose between sanctioning a negative or a positive act. The results showed (1) that the fundamental-educacional error was committed by both children and their teachers and parents; (2) that this type of error increased with chil-dren´s age; (3) that this kind of error was more prevalent in the moral than in prosocial and academic domains; and (4) that there were clear manifestations of the morality of duty (i.e., fundamental-education error) even in the academic domain, a domain judged to be a typical aspirational domain.
Keywords : Morality of duty; Morality of aspiration; Fundamental-education error; Moral domain; Prosocial domain; Academic domain.