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Análise Psicológica
Print version ISSN 0870-8231
LOURENCO, Orlando. Além de Piaget? Sim, mas Primeiro Além da Sua Interpretação Padrão! . Aná. Psicológica [online]. 1998, vol.16, n.4, pp.521-552. ISSN 0870-8231.
Piaget's theory has been subject to what may be called its standard interpretation. Although made possible by Piaget's ambiguity about some of his key concepts (e.g., stage and structure), such an interpretation is greatly due to its focus on Piaget's structural-stage theory at the expense of his equilibration theory, and also to its emphasis on factual investigations at the cost of conceptual investigations. In this paper, I show that it is possible and important to go beyond the standard reading of Piaget's theory, and to extend or reinterpret it on the basis of the constructivist epistemology that lies at the heart of his work. I argue that when one goes beyond the standard reading of Piaget, then in his theory (1) people are not at stages, performances are; (2) age is an indicator, not a criterion, of development; (3) logical necessity, not truth, is the central question of psychogenesis; (4) structures-of-the-whole are formal, not functional, entities; (5) the construction of knowledge is not a solitary, but a social enterprise; (6) there are multiple, not one, developmental pathways; (7) while reasoning, subjects do not follow logical rules, but act and operate upon reality; and (8) meaning and content, not only form and structure, play a central role in operational understanding and development. I also claim that when one goes beyond the standard interpretation of Piaget, most of the criticisms against his theory partly lose their empirical content and «raison d'être», and one discovers that the problems are somewhat different than they appeared at first.
Keywords : Piaget´s Theory; development; construction.