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Análise Psicológica
Print version ISSN 0870-8231
MASCARENHAS, Helena; CUNHA, Miguel Pina e and RIBEIRO, Rui Bártolo. Implicação com o sindicato: o papel das percepções de suporte e de instrumentalidade. Aná. Psicológica [online]. 2002, vol.20, n.4, pp.587-601. ISSN 0870-8231.
This research analyzed possible antecedents of union commitment. Gordon et al. (1980) defined commitment to the union as the desire to maintain membership to the union, working for the union and accepting and valuing its goals. In this study it was concluded that, for this exchange relation to be developed and to preserve commitment with the union, it is important that the union provides cues showing that not only it values the member as an individual but also that it is committed to him/her (union support). The instrumentality of the union is also positively related to the union's perceived instrumentality, i.e. to members' perception of the union's capacity to reach the desired goals. This perception seems to influence commitment with the union. Neither the number of years of membership nor the exchange ideology seem to moderate the support-commitment and instrumentality-commitment relations.
Keywords : Commitment; unions; support; instrumentality.