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Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia

Print version ISSN 0871-9721


SA-SOUSA, Ana et al. Co-creation of a self-management application for asthma: A citizen science protocol. Rev Port Imunoalergologia [online]. 2024, vol.32, n.2, pp.75-84.  Epub June 30, 2024. ISSN 0871-9721.

Digital health can effectively engage patients in the self-management of their asthma. Still, it will only reach its full potential when apps are aligned with patients’ needs and are integrated into clinical practice. We aim to test a framework for the involvement of patients/carers in all phases of developing and implementing an app for asthma. This protocol was co-designed with six asthma patients/carers and includes 5 tasks. Regular interactions among patients, developers and healthcare professionals will be a priority for user requirements definition (task 1) and iterative development and testing until the app’s initial version (tasks 2-3). Patients/carers and healthcare professionals will be fully engaged in the real-life feasibility study (task 4) and management and dissemination activities (task 5). The eligibility criteria to participate in tasks 2-4 are 1) diagnosis of asthma or carer of a person with asthma; 2) ≥18 years; 3) ability to use apps and access a mobile device with Internet. We anticipate applying questionnaires such as the User Experience Questionnaire and the System Usability Scale in all app testing tasks. We expect to have a final version of the asthma app that meets patients’/carers’ needs and experiences and healthcare professionals’ concerns. This will be an attractive app to support patients in self-management of their disease, keeping their asthma in control, having fewer asthma symptoms, and enjoying life. This study will be a framework for fully involving patients, carers and citizens in the iterative co-production development and implementation of an asthma app.

Keywords : m-Health; digital health; patient and public involvement; patient engagement; participatory design.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in English     · English ( pdf )