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Nascer e Crescer

versão impressa ISSN 0872-0754versão On-line ISSN 2183-9417


PEREIRA, Tatiana et al. Fidget spinners: most popular children’s toys, same dangers as in the past.... Nascer e Crescer [online]. 2019, vol.28, n.1, pp.30-32. ISSN 0872-0754.

Introduction: Fidget spinners are small rotating toys with a central disc and three tips. They are currently one of the most popular children’s toys. Case report: The case of a seven-year-old child admitted to the Emergency Department of the local hospital due to epigastric pain following ingestion of a fidget spinner component is described. Due to presence of a foreign body in the digestive tract, an upper digestive endoscopy (EDA) was performed, and the foreign body identified in the distal esophagus was removed without complications. Discussion/Conclusion: Although these are adequately sized toys, fidget spinners can easily be dismantled by children, allowing easy access to its components. Some units have LED lights with lithium batteries and esophageal ulcers have been described only a few hours after their ingestion. With this report, the authors aim to advise Pediatricians to actively alert parents to the potential risks of a seemingly innocent toy, based on a real case.

Palavras-chave : choking; fidget spinners; foreign body.

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