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vol.14 issue1Cultura nacional e orientação empreendedora: Um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e PortugalDinâmicas de poder nas organizações: A contribuição da governamentalidade author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão

Print version ISSN 0872-9662


MIRALLES, Caio; MORETTO, Luis  and  SCHMITT, Valentina Gomes Haensel. Gestão de marcas e arranjos produtivos: A marca “Vinho do Porto”. Comport. Organ. Gest. [online]. 2008, vol.14, n.1, pp.85-95. ISSN 0872-9662.

Brand management in today’s business world is extremely related to the organizations purpose and improvement of their strategies. The goal of this study is to analyze the “Port Wine” brand management characteristics, who caries a strongly distinctive name, outstanding the “country equity” of and its importance in order to achieve competitive advantage, to the product and for the country. In a general way it’s based on information obtained from institutes related to the Port Wine, commercial companies, and studies already publicized about the wine, being analyzed and developed with the aid of works about brand management, publicity, positioning and clusters. This paper structure is based on the efforts made by the company’s, institutes and Portugal’s government to publicize the brand upon the global market, being the product not only the creator of innumerous direct and indirect employments, but also a Portuguese ambassador to the world

Keywords : Port Wine; brand; country equity; productive clusters.

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