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Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health
versão impressa ISSN 0873-3015versão On-line ISSN 1647-662X
BRAS, Isabel Paula; TOME, Maria Beatriz e SILVA, Maria Elisabete. The viability to produce rdf from a mbt installation - technical and economic features. Mill [online]. 2020, n.esp5, pp.379-387. Epub 30-Jun-2020. ISSN 0873-3015.
In Portugal, the Strategic Urban Solid Waste Plan defines the management strategies for the period 2015-2020. According to this plan that recognizes waste as a resource, it is intended to respond to new challenges in the field of integrated waste management and the life cycle of materials.
To characterize qualitatively and quantitatively the lines of the rejects of a Unit of Mechanical and Biological Treatment (TMB) of an Urban Waste Management System; Analyze fuel derived from waste (CDR) produced from the respective discard.
The work started with the physical characterization of the rejects, making a manual sorting of the collected sample and from these materials a RDF was produced, which was characterized according with the related normative documents.
About 240 ton of refused are produced daily, where 29% is paper / cardboard, 6% is plastic and 59% are textiles, wood and other materials with energy potential. The obtained RDF had, in average terms, values expressed as wet basis, moisture content of approximately 33%, ash of 15.5% and lower heating value of 24.1 MJ / kg, with the concentration of chlorine 0.75%, slightly higher than that found in the bibliography. Regarding the concentration of mercury, 0.004 mg/MJ was obtained. The concentration of trace metals present in the sample, and compared to the bibliographic records, are within the expected.
Based on the standard NP 4486:2008, it is possible to consider the RDF as a possible substitute for fossil fuel in a biomass power plant for energy production.
Palavras-chave : RDF; solid waste management; MBT; energy; circular economy.