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vol.28 número2A perseguição legal à homossexualidade na Península Ibérica: séculos XIX e XX“Una mano aviesa”: de feministas abolicionistas, trabajadoras sexuales y violencias epistémicas en Argentina índice de autoresíndice de assuntosPesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0873-6561


THOMASZ, Ana Gretel  e  BOROCCIONI, Luciana. Needs, rights and languages: an ethnographic study about inhabiting and making of citizenship in Buenos Aires. Etnográfica [online]. 2024, vol.28, n.2, pp.385-405.  Epub 01-Set-2024. ISSN 0873-6561.

This article links the issues of the inhabit and housing rights with that of the making of citizenship, which are explored from an anthropological perspective. It is based on the ethographic work developed between 2015-2020 with the inhabitants of a squattered building from the City of Buenos Aires, who face an eviction judgment. It takes up the concept of inhabit introduced by Giglia (2012) and contributions of Holston (2008) and Wanderley (2009) that explore the issue of the access to rights identifying the different languages and modalities of action deployed by the subjects in order to get them. It is argued here that if it prevailed initially the “logic of the necessity” and an action aimed to rend habitable an abandoned property, the “language of rights” emerge later among the inhabitants. In contrast to what the liberal conception suggests, it is concluded that the self-perception of themselves as “subjects of rights” is not something given but a process that is built from the “logic of necessity”, the horizontal links that the subjects establish among themselves and with social organizations, and the vertical relationships established with the State in a mostly collective way.

Palavras-chave : needs; rights; languages; citizenship; inhabit; anthropology.

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