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Economia Global e Gestão

versão impressa ISSN 0873-7444


FIRMINO, Manuel Brazinha. The enterprises’ supply and competitiveness of tourism destinations. Economia Global e Gestão [online]. 2008, vol.13, n.1, pp.85-102. ISSN 0873-7444.

The main goal is to study the tourism destinations competitiveness, in terms of enterprises supply and the National Tourism Organizations strategy. The methodology includes bibliographic references, the concepts and competitiveness models support, in tourism destinations. Some empirical results of 415 portuguese enterprises were published, as concerns the attractiveness and competitiveness of Portugal, as tourism destination. The results suggest some prudence to avoid increasing and excessive mass tourism, and we had concluded that the main challenge is the quality of the supply, as a whole, in order to value and preserve the existent tourism resources. The strategic actions had resulted by partnerships among the different stakeholders.

Palavras-chave : Competitive Advantage; Tourism System; Integrated Supply; Partnerships; Competitiveness Models.

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