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vol.14 número1O dragão chinês e o elefante indiano: Traços de similitude e de divergência nos processos de abertura e reforma económicaEstratégias de Internacionalização e a arquitetura de competências das primeiras e últimas entrantes: Estudo de Caso da Indústria do Cimento índice de autoresíndice de assuntosPesquisa de artigos
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Economia Global e Gestão

versão impressa ISSN 0873-7444


MOREIRA, António Carrizo. The evolution of internationalization: towards a new theory?. Economia Global e Gestão [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.1, pp.41-59. ISSN 0873-7444.

The theories of internationalization encompass a wide variety of explanatory elements that follow the firms’ responses to distorted, imperfect markets. Whilst traditional theories were concentrated on foreign direct investment and on how multinationals enlarged their involvement in international markets, recent theories have focused their attention on small to medium businesses following either a staged model or a networked approach. There has been wide disagreement regarding all theories of internationalization. This paper provides a brief literature review on the main theories of internationalization and concludes that due to the emergence of a new polycentric economic world a new theory encompassing new important factors is in strong demand.

Palavras-chave : Theories of Internationalization; Internationalization; Multinational Firms; SMEs.

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