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Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças
Print version ISSN 1645-0086
OLIVEIRA, Magda A.; QUEIROS, Cristina and GUERRA, Marina Prista. The caregivers concept analysed in an autopoietic perspective: From the chaos to the autopoiesis. Psic., Saúde & Doenças [online]. 2007, vol.8, n.2, pp.181-196. ISSN 1645-0086.
Having as starting point the act of care as something intrinsically human and growing in the present society, the relationship between the caregivers and those who are the target of the cares has been studied. We intend that the concept of caregiver, studied since the sixties and seventies, be dissected and lately reinterpreted according to the Autopoietic Subject Theory of Cândido Agra (1990, 2001). For that purpose, it was adopted a perspective that contempl ates the dynamics generated between patients and caregivers (formals and in formals), suggesting different attitudes to face the disease and its manifestations, as well as different relational environments that emerge from the product of the concorda nt or dissonant caregiver-patient interactions. It was observed that even in situations that are potentially disruptive it was possible to intervene, so that caring, dependence and compromise relationships established between the two persons could be autopoietic and biopsychosocially adjusted, leading to a higher well-being of the caregiver and the patient.
Keywords : Autopoiesis; Caregiver; Caregiver-patient relationship.