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Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto
Print version ISSN 1645-0523
CASTRO, José Miguel de and MESQUITA, Isabel. Implications of offensive spacing in elite male volleyball attack characteristics. Rev. Port. Cien. Desp. [online]. 2008, vol.8, n.1, pp.114-125. ISSN 1645-0523.
The aim of the present study consists in application of a zone attack model of the first line, and in the determination of its association, specifying variables of the attack such as the attack tempo, attack effect, type of attack and situational opposition of the block. We analysed 12 games from national teams, using the digitalisation of images, in a total of 518 actions. An inferential analysis was done to find out the possible relationships between variables using Chi-square test and a simple correspondence (ANACOR). The reliability from percentages of the agreements accomplished for Kappa Cohen statistic showed that the observations are reliable to be used as a scientific tool. The application of a zone attack model, which functionally specifies the zones of attack of the first line, demonstrated the top level teams tendency in widening the intervention space of the attack, with the preferential use of the more lateral zones (4a and 2), and also with the exploration of intermediate zones (4b, 3b, 3c) so as to destabilize the block action, through the creation of space attack superiority. The present study stressed the tendency of the privileged use of tempo 2 of the attack in recent elite level game, confirming the increment of the velocity in the teams offensive patterns, as well as the increase of the attack efficacy when proving the point as the more frequent effect. The number of blockers intervening was shown to be associated with the velocity of the attack, since, as a tendency, the quicker the attack the less blockers block.
Keywords : game analysis; volleyball; top level; attack.