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Revista Portuguesa de Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Print version ISSN 1646-2122
COSTA, Jorge et al. Espondilodiscite piogénica em adultos: diagnóstico e tratamento. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum. [online]. 2015, vol.23, n.3, pp.225-235. ISSN 1646-2122.
Spondylodiscitis is an infectious condition that affects the intervertebral disc and adjacent vertebral bodies, usually affecting two adjacent vertebral bodies and the intervertebral disc. The clinical manifestations may be acute or subacute, depending on factors such as the pathogenicity of the etiological agent, immune status or age, particularly reaching the lumbar segment of the spine. The low incidence, insidious course and the high prevalence of low back pain in the general population difficult early diagnosis, thereby requiring a higher degree of suspicion. Concerning the etiology, it can be pyogenic or granulomatous, and the hematogenous way the most common form of dissemination. The diagnosis is based on the combination of clinical manifestations, laboratory and imaging tests. Treatment is conservative, in most cases, with surgical approach for refractory cases, with neurological deficit, progressive deformity or instability. The authors review the topic in order to provide guidelines for early diagnosis and prepare a diagram diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Keywords : Spondylodiscitis; infection; adult; diagnosis; therapeutics.