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Revista Portuguesa de Ortopedia e Traumatologia
On-line version ISSN 1646-2939
FLORES, Elena Martín et al. Neuropatia Compressiva do Nervo Supraescapular por Quisto Espinoglenoideu: Descrição de Caso Clínico. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum. [online]. 2016, vol.24, n.4, pp.296-302. ISSN 1646-2939.
AIM: Suprascapular nerve compression due to spinoglenoid notch cysts is a rare cause of shoulder pain. The mechanism is believed to be a one way valve that induces the formation of these ganglion cysts, by joint fluid draining through a capsulolabral tear. The management of this pathology ranges from nonoperative to surgical treatment, including open and arthroscopic techniques. DESCRIPTION: We report the case of a patient with suprascapular nerve compression caused by labral ganglion cyst associated with type II SLAP lesion, its clinical and radiological findings, arthroscopic management and outcome, with complete resolution of the neuropathy and recovery of muscle strength. COMMENTS: In the treatment of this pathology arthroscopic resection does not guarantee complete removal of the cyst, and repair of SLAP lesions alone, without any cyst excision, has demosntrated excelent results, improving complete cyst resolution without increasing the risk of suprascapular nerve injury.
Keywords : Suprascapular nerve; Spinoglenoid notch; Cyst; SLAP lesion; Arthroscopy.