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Revista Portuguesa de Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Print version ISSN 1646-2122On-line version ISSN 1646-2939
FIGUEIRA, Paulo J. L. F. et al. Artrite Séptica da Articulação Acrómio-Clavicular, Diagnóstico Raro em Doente Saudável - Caso Clínico. Rev. Port. Ortop. Traum. [online]. 2018, vol.26, n.4, pp.341-347. ISSN 1646-2122.
We describe the case of a previously healthy patient who developed a septic arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint and osteomyelitis of the acromion, following a minor trauma to the shoulder. It is an unusual case, since septic arthritis of this location is a rare disease and in most of the published cases the patients had a clearly identifiable risk factor.
Keywords : Infectious Arthritis; Acromioclavicular Joint; Osteomyelitis; Acromion.