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vol.20 número1Uma análise da atividade de formação no PET-Saúde: enriquecendo a experiência profissional em saúde a partir do debate sobre as emoções no trabalhoA Psicologia Social do Trabalho como perspetiva de pesquisa: focalizando vivências no trabalho informal índice de autoresíndice de assuntosPesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1646-5237


GOUTILLE, Fabienne et al. Systemic analysis of the activity and purposes of work in the fishing and agricultural sectors. Laboreal [online]. 2024, vol.20, n.1, e21790.  Epub 31-Jul-2024. ISSN 1646-5237.

This article explores systemic tensions in the agricultural and fishing sectors, derived from historical decisions and influenced by various agents. The analyzes reveal limitations that are changing the purposes of work, leading exploiters of the land and sea to diversify their activities to maintain profitability at the expense of their health. In the context of ecological transition, exploiters must adapt to various demands without adequate support. The tensions between artisanal and industrial production illustrate the challenges they face, with regulations that are sometimes perceived as unfair. Agricultural and fishing activities are dominated by regulatory, technological, community and social pressures which require a re-evaluation of the balance of power. An activity analysis, focused on activity systems and systemic contradictions, can help put into perspective the individual and collective worries of those involved, and support the design of work environments, norms and instruments that are sustainable and developmental.

Palavras-chave : activity analysis; activity system; eco-social systemic contradictions; agriculture; fishing; community-based collaborative research.

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