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Revista Portuguesa Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço

versão On-line ISSN 2184-6499


SOUSA, Francisco Alves de et al. Tranexamic acid versus hot saline irrigations in endoscopic sinus surgery: a review and meta-analysis. Rev Port ORL [online]. 2024, vol.62, n.1, pp.75-85.  Epub 31-Mar-2024. ISSN 2184-6499.


Intraoperative bleeding may compromise the results of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Tranexamic acid (TXA) and hot saline irrigations (HSI) are potentially useful in reducing blood loss during FESS. To date, no review comprehensively compared outcomes between TXA and HSI. The objective was to bring an insight between these two modalities in FESS.

Study design:

Systematic review and meta-analysis

Material and Methods:

The research was performed across PUBMED and Cochrane collaboration databases. A meta-analysis was performed to allow the comparison between TXA and HSI outcomes in FESS.


Twelve papers met the eligibility criteria for meta-analysis. HSI presented a more significant reduction in volumetric blood loss compared to TXA (p=0.01). No statistically significant difference was found between HSI and TXA considering surgical field quality (p = 0.99) and duration of surgery (p=0.24).


This study suggests similar efficacy of HSI and TXA in improving operative conditions in FESS, although with lower volumetric blood loss in HSI.

Palavras-chave : tranexamic acid; hot saline; endoscopic sinus surgery; blood loss; surgical field; duration; nasal.

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