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New Trends in Qualitative Research
versão On-line ISSN 2184-7770
CARMONA, Ana Paula Reis; QUARESMA, Maria da Graça e LUCAS, Pedro. Nurse Case Manager in the Promotion and Prevention of Domestic Violence - Integrative Review. NTQR [online]. 2021, vol.8, pp.106-113. Epub 07-Dez-2021. ISSN 2184-7770.
Domestic violence is an important public health problem due to its magnitude, frequency and repercussions for the health of individuals, families, groups and communities. It is a multifactorial phenomenon defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) (Taft et al., 2012) Introduction (Nurses play an important role in health teams, both in recognizing the situation of violence and in responding to the provision of care to victims and their families, for which Leadership is an extraordinarily necessary and required skill for nurses to influence their teams to provide nursing care that responds to users' expectations (Amestoy et al., 2014); Goals Identify the scientific evidence on the intervention of the case manager nurse in the promotion of the prevention of Domestic Violence; Methods Integrative Literature Review of studies indexed in the MEDLINE databases (PubMed / Medline), CINAHL, Cochrane, and in other databases of the EBSCOHost platform (LILACS, SCOPUS and Web of Science), and also a search in the bibliographic references of the articles selected. The selected studies are for the period between 2010 and 2020; Results Eleven articles were included on the implementation of Domestic Violence detection and prevention programs with results for victims, for nurses, for nurse managers and for the efficiency of organizations, in Primary Health Care and in Hospitals and Conclusions. The Implementation of Case Management Models improves the response to victims of violence, with consequences on the quality of care provided, with an increase in prevention of health results. No studies were found relating the nurse who is the case manager for domestic violence in Primary Health Care.
Palavras-chave : Nursing; Case Management; Domestic Violence; Primary Health Care; Revision.