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Investigação Operacional
versão impressa ISSN 0874-5161
Inv. Op. v.24 n.1 Lisboa jun. 2004
On the use of multiple financial methods in the evaluation and selection of investment projects
Pedro Cortesão Godinho * †
António Ricardo Afonso * ‡
João Paulo Costa * †
* Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
† INESC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores
‡ Portugal Telecom Inovação
This paper addresses the analysis and evaluation of investment projects within a multicriteria framework. We mathematically define a multicriteria framework and we present a result that allows the identification of redundant methods. Then we try to define which financial methods can, and which ones cannot, be simultaneously used according to that framework. We also try to establish a set of guidelines to help decision makers choose the financial methods best suited to their particular situations.
Keywords: Project Evaluation, Project Analysis, Multicriteria Decision Aid
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