Artigos |
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| · Historiography of Spanish boss rule: an overview and new approaches Luzón, Javier Moreno
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| · Oligarchy and boss rule in Oliveira Martins, Joaquín Costa and Gaetano Mosca (c. 1880-c. 1900) Ramos, Rui
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| · Local elites and municipal power: From the Old Regime to liberalism Fernandes, Paulo Jorge da Silva
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| · Popular politics and local notables in Portugal (from the end of the Old Regime to mid-nineteenth century) Tengarrinha, José
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| · The Nationalist Republican Party of Évora (1923-1935): ideology, regional policy, internal organization and elites Baiôa, Manuel
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| · The liberal dynasties: Family and kinship relations between members of parliament during the period of constitutional monarchy (1834-1910) Moreira, Fernando
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| · The diplomatic corps and the authoritarian regime (1926-1974) Oliveira, Pedro Aires
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| · «Diário» de Leal Marques sobre a formação do primeiro governo de Salazar Patriarca, Fátima
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Livros |
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| · Variedades ultramarinas: doces e amargas Pélissier, René
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| · Lord Beresford e a Intervenção Britânica em Portugal - 1807-1820 Costa, Fernando Dores
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| · Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone? Mónica, Maria Filomena
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| · Civilising Subjects: Metropole and Colony in the English Imagination, 1830-1867 Marques, João Pedro
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| · Documenting individual identity: the development of state practices in the modern world Fróis, Catarina
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| · La guerre d'Espagne, république et révolution en Catalogne (1936-1939) Freitas, Filipa
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| · Imagens da mulher na imprensa feminina de oitocentos: Percursos de modernidade Cova, Anne
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| · Globalização, Transnacionalismo e Novos Fluxos Migratórios dos trabalhadores convidados às migrações globais Grassi, Marzia
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| · A forja dos homens: Estudos jurídicos e lugares de poder no séc. XVII Garazo, Antonio Presedo
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| · O Estado Novo e a Campanha do Bacalhau Ferreira, Nuno Estêvão
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