| Table of contents Rev. de Ciências Agrárias vol.43 no.spe1 Lisboa Dec. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Artigo | | | | · Viticulture Systems of Douro: Differences and Similarities for Efficiency Marta-Costa, Ana; Santos, Cátia; Galindro, Aníbal; Santos, Micael
| | | | · Contributions of small agriculture through the methodology of Standard Production Values Rosário, Maria do Socorro; Pinto-Correia, Teresa; Fonseca, Ana; Veiga, José Ferragolo da
| | | | · Short circuit marketing dynamics in Lugo, Galiza Soares, Rosângela Oliveira; Tavares, Paulino Varela; Tibério, Manuel Luís; Cristóvão, Artur; Fra, Mar Pérez; Arias, Ana Isabel García
| | | | · Market Study of Organic Coffee of Sao Tome and Principe Salvador, Jukisia; Lucas, Maria Raquel
| | | | · Rethink the organic cocoa value chain of Sao Tome and Principe Prazeres, Ibrahim; Lucas, Maria Raquel
| | | | · Cooperativism and access to agricultural services in the province of Huambo: the case of cooperatives supported by Acção para o Desenvolvimento Rural e Ambiente (ADRA) Kamutali, Antonino Abel Chivala; Henriques, Pedro Damião; Lucas, Maria Raquel
| | | | · Competitiveness and insertion of Brazilian soy in the international market Ramos, Caroline; Pizaia, Marcia; Caldarelli, Carlos; Camara, Marcia
| | | | · Brazilian beef exports to the main destinations: a persistence to shocks analysis Silva Neto, Waldemiro Alcântara da; Ribeiro, Viviane Pires
| | | | · Impact of the National School Food Program (PNAE) in the state of Paraíba, Brazil Souza, Severino Félix de; Souza, Armando Lírio de; Santos, Ricardo Bruno Nascimento dos; Ramos, Maria da Conceição Pereira
| | | | · An inquire on dining halls food waste: a case study on the ESALQ -USP Brazil Vian, Carlos E.F.; Lobo, Gustavo D.; Monteiro, Diogo M. Souza; Miranda, Silvia H.G. de; Meira, Ana M. de; Poeta, Paula T.
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