| Table of contents Mill no.16 Viseu Oct. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Editorial Millenium 16 Cunha, Madalena; Abrantes, José Luís; Amante, Maria João; Correia, Paula; Santos, Paula
| | | Education and social development | | | | · Peer-assisted learning: undergraduate medical students’ perception and satisfaction Amer, Mona G.; Althaqafi, Raad M. M.; Assiri, Sara A.; Alsufyani, Atheer; Alrubaei, Faisal S.; Mohamed, Nader M.
| | | | · Comparative analysis of the child welfare systems of Portugal and Galician Fernández-Simo, Deibe; Campos, Edgar; Amante, Maria João; Fernández, María Victoria Carrera; Xavier, Paula; Fernández, Xosé Manuel Cid; Fonseca, Susana
| | | | · Evaluation of child development of children with suspected autistic spectrum disorder Souza, Aline Bernardes de; Meurer, Luzia de Miranda; Cymrot, Raquel
| | | Life and health sciences | | | | · Quality indicators of professional practice of nurses: the caregiver role Vieira, Joana; Santos, Margarida Reis; Pires, Regina; Pereira, Filipe
| | | | · Clinical supervision: representations of nurses in primary health care Pires, Regina; Pereira, Filipe; Pires, Margarida; Santos, Margarida Reis
| | | | · Factors influencing simulated practice in nursing education: scoping review Mota, Liliana; Monteiro, Catarina; Pacheco, Catarina; Francisca, Maria; Amador, Rosana; Oliveira, Tatiana
| | | | · Nurses’ perception of simulation-based basic life support training in clinical practice Rente, Maria; Costa, Mafalda; Pontes, Manuela; Príncipe, Fernanda; Mota, Liliana
| | | | · Hand hygiene in a pediatric unit - nurses' perception Andrade, Luísa; Campos, Paula; Mendes, Francisco; Bastos, Celeste
| | | | · Transcultural validation, adaptation of quality of contraceptive counselling scale for the portuguese population Palma, Sara; Presado, Helena; Ayres-de-Campos, Diogo
| | | | · The portuguese version of the gugging swallowing screen: results from its application Oliveira, Isabel de Jesus; Couto, Germano Rodrigues; Moreira, Alfredina; Gonçalves, Carlos; Marques, Marlene; Ferreira, Pedro Lopes
| | | | · Job satisfaction and emotional competence of nurses at inpatient hospital services Rocha, Inês; Pinto, Cristina Barroso; Carvalho, António Luís
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