Introdução |
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| · Agora Martins, Humberto
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Artigo Original |
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| · Seeing like a routier: routiers’ borderscapes between Southern Europe and West Africa Figueiredo Neto, Pedro; Falcão, Ricardo
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| · Time to fix: repair heuristics in Estonia and Portugal Martínez, Francisco
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| · There is a life before activism: embodied emotions during the childhood and youth of activists related to gender, racism, and climate change matters in Portugal Sarrouy, Alix Didier
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| · The pathways of fresh fish in artisanal fishing: a paradoxical maritime dimension Silva, Pedro Pereira da
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| · A trajetória industrial do amido nativo na Argentina: escolhas técnicas em uma cooperativa de produtores Padawer, Ana
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| · Temporalidade da cooperação comunitária transnacional: impactos na governança comunitária Hernández-Diaz, Jorge
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| · A regime of terror for the Kaiowá indigenous people in contemporary Brazil (or analytic subjectivity and the comprehension of violence) Silva, Alexandra Barbosa da
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| · Drifting as methodological (pre)disposition: ethnographic immersion and ontological engagement in a catholic spiritual practice Muñoz-Villalón, Luis
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| · Shared vulnerabilities: from corporate groups to spiritual-functionalism among the Saamaka of Suriname Pires, Rogério Brittes W.
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| · Three women, one people: akuntsú stories Aragon, Carolina Coelho; Mezacasa, Roseline
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| · Usos discursivos emergentes e práticas comunicativas digitais entre os chanés Morando, María Agustina
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Memória |
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| · O “segredo invisível” da amizade: cinco cartas de Ernesto Veiga de Oliveira para Jorge Dias (1961) Leal, João; Belo, Catarina
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Aula |
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| · An anthropological perspetive on biodiverse forests: resurgences of ruined landscapes by eucalyptus monoculture Viegas, Susana Matos
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