Influences on Death' Perceptions and Social Representations Oliveira, Abílio; Amâncio, Lígia
Looking at Chase and Simon Study: Experienced and Non-Experienced Dinamic Psychotherapists1 Memory of Clinical Information Santos, Ana Sofia dos; Reis, Maria de Fátima; Garcia-Marques, Leonel
Perception of Group Variability: Theoretical Frameworks, Empirical Studies, and Current Trendes Guinote, Ana
From Psychology to Evolutionary Biology: An Integrated Approach to the Concept of Personality Gaspar, Augusta
Mass Media and the Construction of Social Reality: to Grow up in Portugal With Television Violence Monteiro, Maria Benedicta
Categorisation and Interdependence: Two perspectives on Groups' Formation and Intergroup relations Correia, Isabel Falcão
Risk Perception and Safety Cultures in Organisations Lima, Maria Luísa