Apresentação do número Chambel, Maria José
Culture differences between private and public higher education institutions: A case study Ferreira, Aristides Isidoro; Hill, Manuela Magalhães
Psychological climate as a predictor of hospital professionals health and well‑being Carvalho, Isabel Silva
Leader‑member exchange quality (LMX) and psychological climate: A longitudinal analysis of their reciprocal relationship Tordera, Nuria; Peiró, José M.; López, José Ramos; GonzálezRomá, Vicente
Previous experience and group efficacy on social dilemmas Tabernero, Carmen; Arenas, Alicia; Briones, Elena
Inversion is the Movement of the Tao: A dialectical analysis of organizational effecttiveness Cunha, Miguel Pina e; Rego, Arménio
Theres no rose without a thorn: Organisational identification, job dedication behaviours and work‑to‑family conflict Tavares, Susana; Caetano, António; Silva, Sílvia
The effects of the opportunities of incorporation to the labour market on the development of psychological contract and work attitudes: The case of disabilities workers in call/contact work centres Alcover, CarlosMaría; MartínezÍñigo, David; Zambrano, Zairebith
Change acceptance and nurses performance: The importance of obligations fulfillment by hospital Chambel, Maria José; Sousa, Luís