| Table of contents Psicologia vol.31 no.2 Lisboa Dec. 2017 Press Release | | | |
Behaviors and motives of bystanders: Contributions for their evaluation Melo, Madalena; Pereira, Sónia
| | Having friends with gay friends? The role of extended contact, empathy and threat on assertive bystanders behavioral intentions António, Raquel; Guerra, Rita; Moleiro, Carla
| | Protection mechanisms in the face of peer victimization and discrimination Freitas, Daniela Fonseca; Coimbra, Susana; Fontaine, Anne Marie; Marturano, Edna Maria
| | Popular justice on bullies: Attributions of responsibility, anger, and ineffective social control as fuel for non-normative collective action Campos, Miguel; Marques, André G.; Aguiar, Tiago; Cardoso, Sónia G.; Pinto, Isabel R.; Marques, José M.
| | Peer violence in adolescence: A study with students in the beginning in the end or the 3rd cicle of basic education Rosário, Ana Cristina; Candeias, Adelinda; Melo, Madalena
| | Bullying and aggression: A study of the predictors in the context of a school violence intervention program Gouveia, Patrícia; Leal, Isabel; Cardoso, Jorge
| | Locus of control and adherence to treatments in adults and emerging adults with chronic health conditions: The moderating role of age-group Reis, Jéssica; Pires, Raquel; Silva, Neuza
| | Impact of international missions on military youth and the importance of school comunnity’ support Pinto, Rita; Francisco, Rita; Santos, Renato Pessoa dos
| | Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Relational Interdependent Self-Construal scale Gonçalves, Gabriela; Sousa, Cátia; Santos, Joana; Gomes, Alexandra; Santa-Rita, Andreia; Hipólito, Sofia; Rodrigues, Catarina; Reis, Marta
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