| Table of contents Psicologia vol.35 no.1 Lisboa June 2021 Press Release | | | |
Artigos Temáticos | | | | · Intimate Partner Violence: Beliefs of the Lusophone African Community Resident in Portugal Gonçalves, Mariana; Silva, Maria Manuel; Matos, Marlene
| | | | · Adaptation and psychometric analysis of the Emotional Intelligence View Nowack’s (EIV) questionnaire in the Portuguese context Candeias, Adelinda Araújo; Galindo, Edgar; Rocha, Ana
| | | | · University Career Development Scale: Confirmatory Study with Portuguese Students Soares, Joana; Taveira, Maria do Céu; Oliveira, Íris M.; de Oliveira, Marina Cardoso; Melo-Silva, Lucy Leal; Teixeira, Marco Antônio Pereira
| | | Artigos Originais | | | | · Does TB stigma affect emotion recognition? A study with a Portuguese sample Nascimento, Teresa; Bianchi, Mauro
| | | | · An analysis of the Scientific progress of Social Cognition in the light of the perspective of "new Experimentalism” Garcia-Marques, Leonel; Garcia-Marques, Teresa
| | | | · The scientific writing of the Portuguese Science: Some metrics from the social sciences and psychology Tinoco, Rui Pedro; Fernandes, José Luís
| | | | · Parental Styles and the risk on use of the social networks in adolescent and young adults: Mediational role of the personality Monteiro, Bianca; Mota, Catarina Pinheiro
| | | | · Factor structure and proposed scoring revision of the Three-Dimensional Psychological Pain Scale Holden, Ronald R.; Campos, Rui C.; Lambert, Christine E.; Simões, Ana; Costa, Sara; Pio, Ana Sofia; Spínola, Joana; Marques, Diandra
| | | | · The devil is in the details: Introduction to the scientific writing guidelines of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) Prada, Marília; Camilo, Cristina; Garrido, Margarida Vaz; Rodrigues, David L.
| | | | · Gender roles and dynamics in COVID-19 times: Changes and continuities in sharing arrangements of housework and caregiving Santos, Maria Helena; Rosa, Miriam; Correia, Rita B.; Xavier, Eduardo
| | | | · Role boundary management during Covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of focus group data with working-student mothers Andrade, Cláudia; Fernandes, Joana Lobo
| | | | · Trapped in the COVID-19 pandemic: The effect of risk concern and emotions on burnout among health care workers Sousa, Inês C.; Almeida, Teresa; Leal, Catarina Correia
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