| Table of contents Psicologia vol.36 no.2 Lisboa Dec. 2022 Press Release | | | |
Artigos Originais | | | | · Do ideal fathers differ from ideal mothers? A study on sensitivity, challenging, and sensitive challenging parenting behavior Iwanski, Alexandra; Mühling, Laura; Zimmermann, Peter
| | | | · Are fathers’ rearing histories associated with their involvement in childrearing? A Peruvian study Nóblega, Magaly; Guimet, Marisut; Ugarte, Andrea; Marinelli, Francesco; Apolinario, Gabriela; Uchuya, Daniel; Santos, Carolina
| | | | · Fathering in the Chilean context: Wellbeing and father involvement pre and post the COVID-19 pandemic Aldoney, Daniela; García, María Ignacia; Panesso, Carolina
| | | | · Parenting sensitivity, salivary oxytocin levels and children’s behavioral problems in a Portuguese sample Torres, Nuno; Santos, Carolina; Monteiro, Lígia
| | | | · A combination of maternal and paternal features discriminates between children with secure and insecure attachment style Antonucci, Linda A.; Musso, Pasquale; Taurisano, Paolo; Coppola, Gabrielle; Terlizzi, Maria; Cassibba, Rosalinda
| | | | · Controlling parenting and executive functioning in children born preterm Toscano, Carolina; Sá, Cindy; Baptista, Joana; Moutinho, Vanessa; Soares, Isabel
| | | | · Adaptation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale for a sample of Portuguese population Leite, Ângela; Souto, Teresa; Sousa, Hélder Fernando Pedrosa e; Moura, Andreia de; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta; Cunha, Lígia; Lira, Vitor; Vidal, Diogo Guedes
| | | | · Outcomes from a brief group behavior therapy approach for social anxiety disorder in adolescence: An exploratory clinical trial Barata, Mariluz; Ferreira, Ana; Vagos, Paula
| | | | · Can cognitive restructuring serve as a brief stand-alone treatment for social anxiety disorder in adolescence? An exploratory clinical trial Félix, Ana; Ferreira, Ana; Vagos, Paula
| | | | · As associações de doenças raras em Portugal: Uma fonte importante de apoio psicossocial Costa, Catarina; Alonso, Isabel; Sequeiros,, Jorge; Paneque, Milena
| | | | · Benefícios de um novo programa de aprendizagem socioemocional na redução da sintomatologia psicopatológica e na promoção das competências socioemocionais globais, na perspetiva das crianças Antunes, Rita; Guedes, Maryse; Alexandre, Joana; Veríssimo, Manuela
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