Portuguese adaptation of the brief resilient coping scale Ribeiro, J.L. Pais; Morais, Rita
Psychologyand chronic illness: group intervention in diabetes Mellitus António, Patrícia
The relationship between depression in occupational context and burnout: An empirical study among Nurses Murcho, Nuno Álvaro C.; Jesus, Saul Neves de; Pacheco, José Eusébio Palma
Family relations in the elderly: Adaptation of the Index of Family Relations (IFR) Pereira, M. Graça; Roncon, Joana
Adaptation of the School-Age Temperament Inventory - SATI to a portuguese population Lima, Lígia; Lemos, Marina Serra de; Guerra, Marina Prista
Therapeutical relationship and adherrence in PLWHIV (People Living With HIV) Margalho, Renata; Paixão, Rui; Pereira, Marco
Neurocognitive sequelae in children with brain tumours: a review of the literature Oliveira, Magda; Almeida, Susana; Silva, Eunice
Risk and resilience in adolescents with special educational needs: Development of a program to promote resilience in adolescence Simões, Celeste; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de; Ferreira, Mafalda; Tomé, Gina
Severe fatigue in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a study on the psychometric properties of the severity fatigue scale Pereira, M. Graça; Duarte, Sílvia
Newborns preference and habituation to the face / voice of the mother vs. the stranger Pacheco, Alexandra; Figueiredo, Bárbara
Adverse childhood experiences and health risk behaviours in female prisoners Alves, Joana; Maia, Ângela