| Table of contents Psic., Saúde & Doenças vol.13 no.1 Lisboa 2012 Press Release | | | |
Editorial Ribeiro, José Luis Pais
| | Burnout in a portuguese sample of psychologists from autonomous region of Madeira Roque, Liliana; Soares, Luísa
| | Emotional anticipation and experience of childbirth Costa, Raquel; Pacheco, Alexandra; Figueiredo, Bárbara
| | Psychological approach to endrometriosis: Women´s pain experience and quality of life improvement Mendes, Natália; Figueiredo, Bárbara
| | Stress and trauma, continuities and discontinuities: For a reflection of PTSD Pinto, Alexandra Marques; Gonçalves, Sónia P.; Lima, Maria Luísa
| | Portuguese adaptation of the psychological well-being manifestation measure scale with a sample of college students - EMMBEP Monteiro, Sara; Tavares, José; Pereira, Anabela
| | Exercise and satisfaction with life: A study with teens Lucas, Catarina; Freitas, Clémence; Oliveira, Cristina; Machado, Manuela; Monteiro, Maria
| | Hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation and quality of life after hospital discharge Alves, Roberta Pinheiro; Cardoso, Érika de Oliveira; Mastropietro, Ana Paula; Voltarelli, Júlio César; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
| | Personality, health behaviors and adherence to treatment in patiens through the big five model: A literature review Thomas, Caroline Venzon; Castro, Elisa Kern de
| | Impact of expousure to critical incidents in health and psychological well-being of emergency ambulance personnel Marcelino, Dália; Figueiras, Maria João; Claudino, Adelaide
| | Family caregivers of dependent elderly with and without dementia: Social Personal network and life satisfaction Figueiredo, Daniela; Lima, Margarida Pedroso; Sousa, Liliana
| | What is lost when psychosomatics is replaced by somatization? Ávila, Lazslo; Donati, F.; Cordeiro, J.A.
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